In Dune everything from the existence of atomics to the way that the leaders of this world interact with them is an exact representation of how modern countries today treat their nuclear weapon stockpiles.
In Dune everything from the existence of atomics to the way that the leaders of this world interact with them is an exact representation of how modern countries today treat their nuclear weapon stockpiles.
This Veterans Day we can honor atomic veterans service by telling our representatives to support bills that would provide all atomic veterans with compensation.
Jazz is all about resisting the status quo and breaking down barriers!
Striving for utopia is the only way to escape the nuclear sword of Damocles.
Nuclear weapons neither serve our interests nor do they provide solutions to our world’s collective challenges such as the effects of climate change and pandemics.
Plutonium pits have potentially disastrous impacts on the ecosystems they’re produced in and they serve as the radioactive cores that power atomic bombs - they enable the potential destruction of everything.